Constructed lagoons and wetlands are specific to commercial projects. There is minimal domestic application as legeslation and regulation make it difficult to obtain an approval.
Where are lagoons found?
Septage sites
Palm oil mills
Low energy footprint
Simple operation
Environemntally sustainable
Large physical footprint
Odours requiring buffer separation to people
Difficult to desludge
TMC has designed several types of lagoon systems for wineries in the south-west now operating for +10yrs with no operational problems and maintaining the discharge permit requirements.
Lagoons are not a build and leave design, they must be maintained to achieve performance. Anerobic lagoons consume alkalinity, adding lime, sodium hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide is a constant process requiring pH control and dosing equipment. Typically the aeration lagoons are mechanical with surface aerators comprising soft starts and DO controls to optimise energy use. Reed beds accompanying lagoons require frequent harvesting to maintain free flow limiting floading.
The decision to adopt lagoons for a treatment solution requires careful concideration as will other options.